Need a locksmith to help you in Beaverton?
We have 24/7 locksmith service in Beaverton, OR - including unlocking cars, houses and businesses; all lock projects and making car keys.
We do all kinds of lockout services including homes, businesses, storage units, bikes, cars and more.
Lock Services
Whether you need a rekey, new lock installation, deadbolt installation or lock repair - we do it all.
Car Keys
We make regular car keys, remotes, and FOBs for almost every year, make and model of car.
Is your ignition sticking? We replace ignitions for almost every year, make and model of car.
Beaverton Locksmith Service
Are you in Beaverton and in need of a 24 hour locksmith near you for a locksmith project or unlock service? Our 24 hour mobile locksmith technicians can be there within minutes!
All of our 24 hour emergency locksmith services are available in Beaverton; that includes: car unlocks, house unlocks, business unlocks, new car keys, ignition replacements, new lock installations, lock rekeys and lock repairs.
All of our emergency locksmiths in Beaverton are licensed and bonded. Our CCB number is 219787, and you can look us up on the CCB website to by our number or our company name to verify our licensing. We are also recognized by the Better Business Bureau.
Mobile Locksmiths in Beaverton
No matter what kind of locksmith service you need - having a technician come to you generally saves times, money and stress. That's why our company of 24 hour emergency mobile locksmiths comes to you - so no matter whether you're locked out of your car and want to skip a towing fee, you locked your keys in your car, or just urgently need an emergency locksmith near you to help secure your home or business - our 24 hour Beaverton locksmiths can typically arrive within minutes.
If you're wondering whether mobile locksmiths have all the tools with them needed to complete your project - the answer is yes. Our local locksmith professionals carry large stocks of locks, keys, and car keys with them, so they're ready to help you with any kind of project. Do you need your car unlocked...and your house rekeyed? Our 24 hour Beaverton locksmiths can do that! Each emergency locksmith in Beaverton has experience with a wide variety of projects, so whatever kind of locksmithing project you need done, we can help you with.
Beaverton Locksmith Near You
Oftentimes when you need a locksmith, it's on a minute's notice. We know that life happens, and we can almost always get someone to your location within 30 minutes. Our nearby locksmiths in Beaverton will also be in communication with you to give you an exact ETA.
To order a car locksmith or a residential locksmith, just call or text us at 971-720-9939. You can also message us on our website or message us on Google Maps or Yelp. You can also email us directly.
If you need an emergency service, like a building or car unlocked, please let us know immediately. We always try to get there in the shortest amount of time possible, but we make emergencies a priority and have our 24 hour emergency locksmiths in Beaverton standing by for that very reason, so we can get you taken care of as soon as possible.
Beaverton Locksmith Consultations
What if you have a key or lock that suddenly stops working, and you're not sure what the problem is?
Every single job we complete is different, and yours is no exception. If you aren't sure what is wrong or how to fix it - don't worry, we've been there and can help explain the best options available for your project. As soon as you order one of our local locksmith technicians, they will immediately contact you for additional information about your lock project. We are also more than happy to consult you by looking at photos, or we can always send a locksmith near you to your location and consult before beginning the project.
Our 24 hour locksmiths in Beaverton will always tell you what they're going to do before they do it, providing you with a final price estimate before beginning to work. There's often more than one way to fix a problem, and our 24 hour emergency locksmith technicians will help you decide on the best option for you by explaining the situation from a technical perspective and going over the pros and cons of each option - giving you the ability to make an informed decision about which locksmith service you would like.